Session Recordings

Session 1 Talk Video

Session 1 Talk Audio

Session 1 Group Sharing Video

Session 1 Notes

When the mind functions as an instrument of Source it is unconditioned. This is out beyond right and wrong, good and evil. There is nothing good or bad in and of itself. There is only the one power that permeates all of existence as a whole. This is not the same thing as glossing over evil with a coating of “its all good”. There comes a time for every purpose under heaven. A time for effort, a time for rest, a time for speaking, a time to be quiet, …..but these movements are governed by the One Source of Power in its purity and the law of harmony rather than by judgement and fear. In the world, meaning not in denial of reality, but not believing in form/concepts/belief as the essential source of power. There is only one Source/Creator/Power. And we surrender to/AS this Power, Divinity in any situation to simply erase the limited conditioned old-programming that is playing out in consciousness. We return it all to Love. Transmutation.

There is no believing of “I am doing God’s work. Good work.” There is only the KNOWING of “God’s work IS done”. It is a giving way. One cannot take any credit as the doer. So therefore there is infinite energy. And plenty of time for all things under heaven. Awakened mind plus compassion = Power. God IS the maintaining and sustaining THAT which animates. The ineffable unknowable Source that is the author of indivisible Creation. And is beyond Creation.

Miracles are not born of the world of cause and effect, good and bad. That is the definition of a miracle. An expression that is beyond the laws of gravity, physicality. Beyond time, horizontal reality.

An embodied emptiness, a responsive immediacy KNOWS when something is moving in a disharmonious, limited direction and the recognition that “all things are possible in Source” moves the expression towards —-“I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you”. It is beyond wishing and hoping for another reality or another expression that one then tries to co-create or manifest. The mind remains silent, empty, hollow, other than respons-ability, “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” One knows/trusts that infinite potential exists here and now AS here and now. One no longer resists evil by trying to replace it with good. One recognizes/remembers that Reality exists only AS an expression of SOURCE, which is Love and Joy without cause. So any other perception is simply a case of mistaken identity. Of conditioned belief over-layed upon the Creative fullness, wholeness, completeness of God.

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”—Shakespeare, (Hamlet)

A rose is a rose is a rose it is neither good or bad it is simply perfect in that it exists in the image of allness, fullness and completeness. As do we. And all expressions.

Everything we are is Source, the fundamental maintaining, sustaining principle of Creation. “ “I” and the Parent of ALL are One”. I has been recognized AS THEE. The personal will is an illusion, a belief system, a mistaken identity. THY will IS done.

What would happen if we just stopped..........for one moment, truly stopped.........stopped believing in a "doer of deeds and a thinker of thoughts"? What if the sensory events were experienced purely, without the overlay of belief in the form of me-referencing, narration and judgement? What limits are we imposing upon reality in our need for security/familiarity? What potentialities lie beyond fixity of position? What animates Life? What blooms the crocus in the Spring? What is always and already here? What is Present for and Aware of hope/hopelessness, right/wrong, war/peace, happiness/despair? And how do we consciously turn toward, orient from, and inhabit the essential True Nature of Love, in ourselves, through ourselves and shining AS ourselves ?

Psychological approaches (reframing) and transcendent approaches (hiding out in spirituality) to our experience are limited. In contrast to realized Stillness, and what one might call original PEACE, which is unlimited, original and essential. We are looking for liberation. And waking up liberates us from essentially identifying with the struggle. Transcendence has all the flow and spontaneity and goodies. But transcendence is not the entirety We can’t just wake up from..... we have to wake up in experience. AS experience. Bringing heaven to Earth. Returning division to Love.

Takes great stillness. Remaining, abiding, total availability. Beyond effort. Not rigid holding one’s body and mind captive in rigid non-moving. But a giving away to the Stillness that IS. No agenda. No expectation. No self-serving intention. We can’t come at it from wanting to get rid of, alter, fix or change something. Absolute, fundamental openness. Like the sky. Like space. Space doesn’t discriminate.

I am pretty much only ever interested in the “root” of experience. The presently present Presence. The mysterious Awareness inherent to all experience. The before, beyond amidst and amongst ever-IS-ness.

The New Earth is the “New I”. Which is to say the original Earth and the Original I. The Mind of Source Creates. The mind of man can only form. Form 8 billion mind worlds. The heart of a bodhisattva is in total surrender to the Heart/Mind of God. Where heart and mind are undivided. In communion.

In the unknowingness of Absolute Stillness is the original Ground of uncaused Love.

Session 2 Talk Video

Session 2 Talk Audio

Session 2 Group Sharing Video

Session 2 Notes

False evidence appearing real. We aren’t ignoring or denying the past occurrences. But we aren’t perpetuating the dream or story line either. We aren’t living it daily through imagining it happening over and over and over in our minds eye. Rather we are giving the cycle of belief a compassionate end. It is an extremely precious and tender journey to give over the stories that make up identity, a sense of self. It takes great conscious Presence and great compassion.

It isn’t in denial of the horror show. It is recognizing what’s beyond the overlay of the horror show. It’s a giving away of the cycle of thought/belief/feeling that perpetuates a future of terror/fear or a past of trauma/shame/guilt/self loathing. Its a compassionate return/giving-away of the divisive mind, human mentality to Divine Wholeness. In other words getting both feet and the heart and the mind in the right here and now, without imagining a fearful future and past, getting ourselves right here and recognizing what’s beyond egoing. It’s important to differentiate between human mentality and Divine Mind, Redemptive Presence. We aren’t replacing one mentality for a better mentality. Or replacing one set of bad thoughts for a set of good, more godly thoughts. We are giving away the belief in a separate thinker of thoughts and doer of deeds that is “me”. My thoughts, my deeds, comes to an end. The experience becomes: thinkingness is, feelingness is, doingness is. Rather than my thoughts, my feelings, my doing. We wake up from the dream of division, good/bad, right/wrong etc., to the world of IS.

We wake up in and AS beauty, innocence, joy, peace. The way of Love. We can’t gain or achieve the qualities beyond the egoing process. We can only recognize and BE what we essentially are. We can’t expel or eliminate or overcome evil. The false evidence appearing real. We can consciously recognize the essential, inherent qualities of the True Nature.

We don’t chase darkness out of the room with the sword of good-personhood. When the light is turned on the darkness no longer exists.

It’s like being in a room with the curtains closed pretending that the sun isn’t shining. Identifying with the relative appearance (false evidence appearing real) of the absence of light.

Identification with “me”. It shades the fundamental luminous from view. Once it’s removed, it is recognized that the sun IS all-ways shining.

It's not in denial, or resistance, or ignorance of rape, incest, murder, torture, grief, child enslavement etc, the horror show. Not in denial or repression or ignorance, of all of that. Rather, it is a return. A conscious return. Bringing all the mistaken identity back HOME. Planting both feet solidly in the right here. And right now. No future that spells out fear, fear, fear, terror, terror, terror, more of this please more of this please. no past with shame, guilt, trauma, trauma, trauma and more of this please more of that, please. Without imagining any of that. Just in the innocence, the purity, the virginity, the originality of the moment, sitting down planting, both feet, the attention, the consciousness, the Conscious Light, of attention in the present, presence, awareness, beauty, love. removing our allegiance and our loyalty to the story of separateness, the mistaken identity the me me, me, me, me, division, division, division positionality trauma. In a gentle, compassionate, it's got to have gentleness and compassion. It doesn't work any other way than arms around inclusion, and return and openness. We are remembering the innocent, naked face of Reality.

I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I no longer need to see the horror show .

LOVE, the Ground of Being, the Heart of matter, is not given or rewarded. It shines forth as what IS when the obscuration of the mind’s belief is removed. We can’t give what we ARE. We can only BE what we are.

As long as we believe that we are separate, divided, unworthy, then we will live in the ego’s mind world. We live in imagination of what is rather than the Reality of is.

Evening Gathering 12-6-2022 Talk

Evening Gathering 12-6-2022 Group Sharing

Session 3 Talk Video

Session 3 Talk Audio

Session 3 Group Sharing Audio

Session 3 notes

Take a pitcher full of water and set it down in the water-now it has water inside and water outside. We mustn’t give it a name, lest silly people start talking again about the body and the soul. - Kabir

The content of the mind’s narrative is seductive and conditioned. Inhabiting fundamental Presence. Is to return the “I” to the context. The content is then experienced directly rather than through the lens of the mind’s current judgement.

Projector metaphor : The screen itself is never changing and is unchanged by the events of the movie (narrative). It is the context for all of the content. Aware spaciousness. The screen is the sky. The movie is the weather. The light is the Sun. The light itself is also unchanged and unchanging. It shines by nature. It is shiningness. It shines regardless of the content. Shines on everything equally. The data (conditioned habituated movie, narrative) and the lens that the data is filtered through shape the content.

Permission To Shine : A description of the awakened self. Self awake to Itself AS Itself. Permission to Shine.

Let the light of your being, the consciousness of knowing your real Self, radiate and illuminate the human beings you find before you, as well as the community of voices you find within. ~ Neil Douglas-Klotz, "Blessings of the Cosmos”

The innocent, purity of heart. A very, very tender and precious process to sit with the part of being that feel abandoned, separate, alone.