It is with deep gratitude and happiness to be teaching with Ani Lodro at the Vajra Vidya temple.  I really look forward to this beautiful collaborative event.  Please email for information and registration. 

5 Day Winter retreat with Ani Lodro 

Many Blessings of newness, freshness, gratitude and creative opportunity! May we have the courage and capacity to surrender, once and for all, the "I'm not good enough" thought. May we remember the Radiant Origin, Luminous Darkness of all expression. And consciously inhabit, AS shining Presence, our lives, our moments, our experience. 

All things are possible in Love. 

There is no way to Peace, Peace is The Way. There is no way to Love, Love is The Way. There is no way to peeling potatoes, peeling potatoes is The Way. And every sacred moment of all sacred being is The Way to greater expressions of Original Love's illumination and harmony. Each of us is a Divine spark. We are not limited by the mind's ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing. May we remember what we essentially are as our lives unfold through the miracle of the Holy Instant. Through all circumstances, Life remains a precious gift.

Directly encountering and surrendering to what is naturally, immovably, indivisibly at Peace right here and now, through all circumstances. That is the genesis of bringing peace into form. Into the world of existence. It is an opportunity to recognize that our lives are always and already Whole and inseparable from the fundamental Ground of Being. And an invitation to consciously, lovingly, faithfully cleave to this recognition. So that the Peace beyond understanding is made conscious, awakened to itself. And is then able to permeate the deeply conditioned body/mind. An intention of ever-more deeply discovering, embracing and inhabiting our inherent potential to live from and AS abiding, original, uncaused Love.

Retreat Dates

December 6, 2024, at 6 PM

through December 10, 2023, at 1 PM


Vajra Vidya Retreat Center

3203 Camino Baca Grande

Crestone, CO 81131

There will be two sessions per day with Jennifer Tyler and Ani Lodro, which includes teaching talks, guided meditation, silent sitting, and Q&A.

To register, or for more information and answers to questions, please email us