Evening Gatherings

A Gathering of Friends in Spiritual Inquiry:

There are questions and curiosities that come up in life that are specific to our current life situation. Should I take the job? How do I talk with my partner? What’s my next move? These questions are important and deserve our attention. But the questions that arise from our core, from our very existence, are on-going and of a different nature. They are more like a deep, eternal, spontaneous question-ing that arises independent of circumstance.

Gatherings are dedicated to providing a time and place for exploration of Life’s universal questions. Who Am I? What Am I? What is Life? What is my Life serving? The questions that naturally rise from spirit, are honored through inquiry, contemplation and silence. This is spiritual inquiry.

Gatherings include periods of: guided meditation, silent sitting, teaching talks and exploratory dialogue with Jennifer Tyler a confirmed teacher in the lineage of Sharon Landrith and Adyashanti.  It is an opportunity to intentionally honor one’s deeper nature. It can be a time of discovery as you curiously and vitally lend your attention to your heart, your soul, your spirit.

When we gather together in recognition of Love and Truth, a sense of unity, of belonging, naturally arises and is fostered by a shared commitment to honor the universal questions of Life. The willingness to come into silence, to retreat from the tasks of ordinary days, this is the calling of your heart. It is an opportunity to discover, remember, and recognize the eternal, fundamental Silence at the heart of existence

Spiritual Inquiry

and community 

via Zoom and 

In-person for select dates

6-8pm PT

see below for ways to donate or pay at the event, sliding scale $10