Upcoming silent retreats in 2024: 


***Retreat with Ani Lodro, Vajra Vidya, Crestone, CO, May 2-May 7

Registration opens soon.  Contact us for more details.


***Fall Silent retreat at Cove Ascension Camp, Cove OR, Oct. 8- Oct. 14

Registration opens July 1, 2024



  Silent retreat is about committing to an environment, an atmosphere, where we willingly give our attention to what is already, and always, present and alive within and AS us.  Call it spirit, awareness, true nature, life, presence or that which is.  Whatever we call it, the timeless, silent mystery at the heart of our being is here and now. 

The invitation of silent retreat is to deeply enter this truth in an open-hearted, open-minded, spirit of discovery and revelation. The retreat container gives rise to an enlivened potential for consciously recognizing, living and experiencing our unique individuality AS an expression of the Universal Source of beingness.  

No matter what we think we have realized, how many retreats we have attended, how many years we have “worked on our spirituality”, no matter our conditioning, or our history, each moment provides the eternal, sacred opportunity to dive into the great Unknowingness.  And freshly discover and awaken to The Wholeness from which everything blooms and grows.

Full Circle Family retreats and Jennifer's teachings are devoted to creating a supportive environment of enlivened potential that enables the remembering of uncaused Love as the fundamental essence at the heart of our Being.  The spirit of retreat is about bringing the attention and the heart from the"me" to the "ALL". 

As the eternal, silent ground of Being is revealed, an essential shift of identity unfolds. 

And we become ever-more aware of the great Grace of our lives as a moment-to-moment-to-moment opportunity to consciously participate AS compassionate, inspired possibility.


Retreat with Jennifer Tyler is an opportunity to  explore the natural condition of Being through:

* silent sitting  * guided meditation

*teaching talks  *sacred music

*heart opening movement

*guided spiritual inquiry

* exploratory question and response

*unstructured individual time for reading, journaling, inquiry, walking.........

Accommodation & Rates

Ascension camp is a quiet, peaceful facility devoted to time apart. It provides an inviting and supportive container for inquiry and contemplation.  The rooms are comfortable and bright with views of the surrounding valley and mountains.  The food is fresh, home-cooked and prepared with love.  Most special diet requests can be accommodated.  

All inclusive lodging/meals/attendance.

 What if

 in this experience of 7 billion mind-worlds. Worlds made up of rigid compensations, comparisons and defenses. Worlds made up of shoulds and shouldnt's. Worlds fed by a vision of lack and isolation. Worlds continuously and endlessly propping themselves up with more and more and more beliefs. 

What if, 

in this moment, underneath these mind-world expressions, something began to ask 

"what is here when thinking is quiet?". 

 "What am I really, underneath the thoughts and beliefs, what is here?" 

What if some of the threads in the tapestry began to explore the conscious lighting of attention on what is never coming or going? 

The Tapestry itself. 

Directly experiencing themselves, as unique expressions within a vast, unknowable, unified wholeness? Rather than believing, in the mind, that their identity exists solely as a defensible, limited and separate territory? Awake to themselves, as themselves. Awake to the one, as the one. 

Not as a one time, exciting experience that has come and gone. But as a living expression of

 Ever-is-ness and shining creativity.

 Unique, indivisible, inextricable, awake threads weaving. Weaving. Weaving..... as uncaused Love. Rather than from endless cycles of 

deservedness/undeservedness, righteousness/wrongness, attainment/loss. 

Moving from and AS Self realization. 

What if?