The Way of Love

Inhabiting Fundamental Presence,

Living Empty Fullness

original art by Autumn Sky


We are emptied of all that we believe ourselves to have and to be. So that we may shine AS what we all-ways, already are.

Nobody has, generates, gains, achieves, creates what we fundamentally are. We remember, uncover, become conscious of Intrinsic Aliveness, Presence, Radiance. No one “has” an awakening. Through Grace "I" becomes awake to, conscious of what IS all-ways, already.

What is beyond the mind’s play of opposites and apparent separation? Beyond peace/war, love/fear, hope/hopelessness, meaning/meaninglessness, birth/death, existence/non-existence, good/bad, right/wrong, worthy/unworthy? What lies beyond personal will? Beyond competition, compensation and defense? What lies in plain view beyond the conditioned conventions of description, judgement and interpretation? What if we became empty of conceptual knowing for even just one instant? What shines forth? What Fullness is birthed into consciousness, when the moment is left as is, naked of the mind’s narration?

Radiant, fundamental uncaused LOVE IS. Beyond understanding, beyond positionality, beyond cause and condition. We and the Sacred, Divine Source are indivisibly whole. All that the Father-Mother-of-All, IS, we are. The wave is animated from and lived AS the ocean. We don’t emerge into this world from some other place. Existence, in every instant, emerges and flows, to and from, our Primordial Home. The breath of Source. Within and amidst us is the infinite, eternal Ground of Being. When we become quiet and we recognize the Great Stillness, surrendering the personal “I” unto this Silent Mystery, a ripe, roaring emptiness becomes the fertile ground for the spark of Divine Potential. Beyond the mind’s ideas of should/shouldn’t and being a “good” person, a spiritual person etc., Creation Itself finds a vehicle for conscious expression of uncaused Love, Harmony and Wholeness existing here and now beyond the personal sense of self.

Grace IS all-ways and already. Give the mind to the eternal flame of the Heart. Redemption. Give the mind to the dazzling dark Ground. Dissolution. Give, give, give it away, gently and kindly give way. Meet the moments that arise. Meet them in the Heart, in the Ground. Meet them there in spontaneous compassionate understanding. Recognize and rest In Presence, In Love, In Compassion AS liberation naturally unfolds.

Meet every moment as your angel, your guide, your sacred ground, your chance to be AS Love.