Give the mind to the heart. Give, give, give it away. Gently and kindly give way. And allow coming and going to take it’s natural course. Inhabit every moment truly and freely. Meeting every miraculous instant AS your angel, your guide, your sacred ground. Your chance to Love.

  The Invitation

 Remember the Truth of who you essentially are. 

This is an invitation to stop. For one moment. Stop narrating, referencing and believing. Recognize that which is always here. That which remains, not in denial of appearances, but amidst and amongst the apperances. From that recognition, there is a fundamental shift in self identification.  Action and choice become freed as possibility and creativity. There exists the real potential for the individual to exist as an instrument, a conscious reflection of the abiding Source of Life 

The only way is through.  Inhabiting the holy instant with whatever is presently, currently displaying.  But if we are to transform, transmute the suffering of life, we walk through AS LOVE.  And Love moves to Love.  A rose is a rose is a rose.  The nature of existence is Love.  Are we able to BE AS THAT when the appearance is literally screaming "war, war war, division, division, division!"   Will we be believers in the appearance world of separation  or........will we turn our attention towards the Mysterious Origin and it's dynamic essence of Love.

The Way 

Full Circle Family retreats and Jennifer's teachings are devoted to creating a nurturing environment of enlivened potential that vitalizes the remembering of uncaused Love as the fundamental essence at the heart of our Being.   

"In my body, when she speaks, it's my heart that explodes. Like every cell knows her words, but it's the heart that just opens and I didn't know how big it could open and that's through Jen's teaching and her presence"-TZ 

Join our Morning Meditation for Peacefulness

Monday and Friday mornings 

6:30am-7:15am Pacific 

This series is devoted to the Peace that passes all understanding and the return of our attention to the ground of Silence that abides throughout all circumstances. 


 Welcome!  An invitation to all hearts yearning for the freedom to Love.  An opportunity to experience friendship anchored in a shared devotion to living from and AS the essence of existence: Uncaused Love. Through illuminated teachings, loving community, and transformative programs, we offer support to those burning with the vision of life beyond the belief in separation. An opportunity to embrace and express the boundless, loving  True Nature through friendship and companionship.