Right here, right now we are whole, indivisible and essentially free. The fundamental, original Love that we are, is not far, distant, separate or unavailable. It is infinitely, eternally abundant and the essence of all expression. Willingly give into this peace, this inner silence. In the discovery of uncaused Love, beyond division, there is a wisdom and intelligence that is beyond the stories, causalities and descriptions of the thinking mind. 


Follow us on instagram @full.circlefamily 

In our gathering together, we have the precious opportunity to answer the calling of our hearts while setting aside and resting from the armor of  knowingness, roles, identifications and beliefs. Together we commit to deeply exploring into the unknown. Beyond conceptualization, we remember our fundamental nature, our natural condition. When we dedicate ourselves, as a group, to the turning inward of our attention, a sense of belonging naturally arises. When we combine our shared willingness to recognize the silent, vital, essential Lovingness that is the Ground/Source, there is the potential to remember and live AS liberated, heart-felt Wholeness.

Morning Meditation in service to Peacefulness

Monday and Friday mornings 6:30am-7:15am PT

Contact us for the ZOOM link

Peace is not something to hope for in the future.  Peace is something that we can be in every moment.  If we want peace, we have to be peace.  

Peace is a practice and not a hope.  

-Tich Nhat Hanh

Evening Gathering for Spiritual Inquiry

and community 

via Zoom , 5-7pm PT

Nov. 19 

Jan. 13

An Invitation to sit together in contemplation and recognition of Life's Mysterious Origin. 

*silent sitting meditation 

*spiritual inquiry through a guiding talk, inquiry/response

* Further exploration and deepening into:

Uncaused Love at the heart of being

*guided meditation/energy attunement

*refuge, community sharing

see below for ways to donate or pay at the event, $10


Full Circle Family is a 501(c)3 charity.

Use the Paypal button or

Check by mail:  60643 Sunday Dr, Cove, OR 97824 or 

VENMO @Jennifer-Tyler-76 (payment between friends option) 

Received in DEEP GRATITUDE and appreciation

Silent Retreats

Contemplate the Source of Being. Contemplate the heart of your existence. The Source of Reality. In this contemplation, the recognition of the True Nature, the remembering of the fundamental Ground of Being is available. As the sense of a separate self dissolves, a fresh world of discovery is embodied. Hard choices still exist, challenges still arise, ups/downs/ins/outs, and all the rest.  But how are these coming-and-going-nesses of Life experienced when they are informed by and lived  AS Life itself?   Rather than from a tightly contracted idea of “me”?  Find out!  

The dream of the world awaits, it is waiting for you!

Give the mind to the heart. Give the mind to the ground.  Give, give, give it away! Gently and kindly give way. In Presence, In Love, with Compassion there is liberation.  

Meet every moment AS your angel, your guide, your sacred ground, your chance to Love.  Meet every moment as your own true Self.


May 29 (2pm)- June 4 (2pm)


Cove Ascension Conference Center

When we combine our shared willingness to recognize the silent, vital, loving  Ground of Being that is always present, there is the potential to discover and live  from and AS a liberated,  heart-felt Wholeness.


Oct. 9 (2pm)- Oct. 15(2pm)

Registration TBA

Cove Ascension Conference Center

The invitation of silent retreat is to deeply  give into an open-hearted, open-minded, spirit of discovery and revelation.  Where we discover our unique individuality AS an expression of the Universal Source of beingness.


Costa Rica 

Feb. 8-14,2025

With Sharon Landrith

Contact Kathleen Bren, thebrens@outlook.com


Vajra Vidya

Dec 6-10, 2025

With Ani Lodro


Spiritual Discovery and Energy Attunement Sessions

These sessions are about encouraging the discovery of one's deepest wisdom. And allowing that wisdom to unfold as a whole hearted life. 

* Sessions are an opportunity to explore your current, relevant spiritual inquiry.  Through guided conversation we gently explore into the layers of belief and conditioning that are perpetuating the story of separateness.   As the conditioned, defended layers give way, the uncaused Love at the heart of all Being is directly experienced as one's true nature.  

The session can also include an energetic attunement. This can be done over ZOOM and still be very effective!!  The body is invited to release and move through areas of fear and conditioning that are unfolding as awakened consciousness permeates the mind/body structure . 

Our meeting encourages and facilitates transfiguration as the body/mind gives way to the evolution of human Beingness.  Just as the caterpillar gives way to the butterfly. And the seed gives way to the sprout.  We are collectively in the process of birthing the emergence of a fresh and orginal expression of human Beingness.  


The Way of Love weekend retreat at Heart Beat Wellness

Wesak retreat at Vajra Vidya with Ani Lodro and Sharon Landrith

With Sharon Landrith, Rio Chirripo, Costa Rica

Fall 2020 Silent Retreat

Spring 2020 Silent retreat